Affordable Consumer Drones Produced These Incredible Photos

 A Friendly Follower!


Before we explain what is happening here, we have to give the best drone picture tag to this one! Now coming to the story behind this incredible photoshoot, the drone captured a whale following a ship full of sailors for close to fifteen minutes!

Thanks to this picture we know that they had a whale accompanying them. They were absolutely clueless and did not notice what was coming behind the vessel! This looks like a replicated scene from one of the movies where a dangerous sea creature is set to gulp away people. But, this photograph happens to an unbelievable reality!

Row The Boat!

A professional photographer named Trung Pham clicked this panoramic photo of the boat rowing. However, there is a little gap in clarity, making us wonder whether the visible green is from the lights reflecting in the water body or something coming out of the boat. Irrespective, this view looks just so breathtaking!


The capture is from somewhere in Vietnam, and we have to commend Pham for sharing this lovely view with the rest of the world! Maybe because it looks so unreal is also why it looks this stunning! What do you think?

Birthday Dive!

Not just this picture but even the story behind it is very close to our hearts! We can spot a man diving over this gigantic waterfall flowing into the Yellow River found in China. This was captured on this man’s sixtieth birthday who decided to make quite a daredevil move on his special day.

Yellow River, China

Everything about this drone-clicked picture is so beautiful, from the way his hands are placed as if he were flying, and the fierce ripples that can be seen look absolutely unbelievable. Let’s hope the man had a safe landing!

The Ethiopian Pool

We bet you have never come across something like this! The stunning capture was taken in June 2019 of the Danakil Depression located in Ethiopia using a drone. It both sounds and looks unbelievable, doesn’t it?

Danakil Depression, Ethiopia

We can see a woman swimming through this naturally created pool that looks lush green from this particular angle. This must be a surreal experience for the lady swimming like it is for us to see something so unique. Imagine, what a miss this sight would have been if drones did not exist! We definitely have to consider ourselves lucky to witness the results of this beautiful tech invention!

King of the Jungle’s Eye View

We have to agree that the mighty king of the jungle is a perfect subject for a perfect drone shot. This outstanding photo shows that the lion seems to be disturbed by the flying drone’s sound and is keen to find out about it. However, he seems quite unperturbed by the presence of the hovering surveillance gadget.


Besides, it’s not every day you get a chance to see a lion so close unless you plan to hide in some nearby bushes or behind the giant trees, which is far from safe, and we most certainly do not recommend it!