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Tank Davis Next Fight: The 4 Fighters Likely to Face Him Next

Fresh from his decisive victory at the MGM Grand Garden, Gervonta “Tank” Davis is the talk of the boxing world. His stunning eighth-round knockout of Frank Martin has fans and pundits alike buzzing about who will be Tank Davis’s next fight. As speculation mounts, let’s explore the four fighters most likely to face Davis in his upcoming bout.

Tank Davis Next Fight: The 4 Potential Opponents

After his explosive performance in Las Vegas, where Davis floored Martin with a lethal combination, the focus has swiftly shifted to the future. While several names are floating around, here are the top contenders who might land the next fight with Tank Davis.

Tank Davis next fight.

@gervontaaxdavis | Instagram | Tank Davis explosive performance in Las Vegas, where Davis floored Frank Martin with a lethal combination.

1. Shakur Stevenson

Shakur Stevenson is a frontrunner in the race to challenge Davis. Their potential clash has been hinted at on social media, stirring excitement among boxing enthusiasts. Stevenson, a skilled tactician with a WBC lightweight title to defend soon, has shown keen interest in a matchup with Davis. Although logistical challenges exist—neither fighter is currently aligned with influential promoters who could ease the path to a bout—the intrigue and draw of this fight make it a compelling possibility.

2. Teofimo Lopez

Teofimo Lopez, known for his knockout power and strategic acumen, presents an intriguing challenge for Davis. Recently moved up to 140 pounds, Lopez could lure Davis into a higher weight class, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the fight. With strong support from ESPN and a significant fan base, a showdown between Lopez and Davis could test their skills and draw substantial viewership and financial stakes. Lopez will first have to defend his WBO super lightweight title, setting the stage for a high-stakes encounter with Davis.

Tank Davis next fight.

@teofimolopez | Instagram | Teofimo Lopez, known for his knockout power and strategic acumen, presents an intriguing challenge for Davis

3. Vasili Lomachenko

Vasili Lomachenko, recently victorious in reclaiming a world title, is another top contender for Davis’ next fight. Known for his impeccable technique and strategic prowess, Lomachenko offers a fight that could potentially unify titles at 135 pounds. A battle with Lomachenko would be a test of skill and an opportunity for Davis to enhance his legacy in the boxing world. However, the question remains whether Lomachenko retains enough prowess to take on and defeat a powerhouse like Davis.

4. William Zepeda

William Zepeda could be the dark horse in this race. As the number one contender for the WBA title held by Davis, Zepeda has proven his mettle with an undefeated record and a strong knockout ratio. Despite being overlooked in broader discussions, a fight against Davis would give Zepeda a chance to shine on a bigger stage and disrupt the lightweight rankings. The promotional dynamics between Davis’ and Zepeda’s camps could also add a layer of drama to the build-up, making it a captivating narrative for fans.

Tank Davis next fight.

@williamzepeda | Instagram | William Zepeda is the number one contender for the WBA title held by Davis.

The boxing community eagerly anticipates official announcements regarding Tank Davis’ next fight. Each potential opponent brings a unique challenge and storyline that could define Davis’ career moving forward. The coming weeks will be filled with negotiations and excitement as the next chapter in Davis’ career unfolds.

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